Articles written by Shalen Ruff
Articles written by
Shalen Ruff

Announcing Our Fall 2021 Beacon® Scholarship For Rural America Winners!

The Beacon® Scholarship for Rural America, which Carrot-Top Industries introduced in 2018, had another great group of applicants to choose from for the Fall 2021 scholarship. We received applications from 15 out of the 50 U.S. states including: Arizona, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.

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Support Our American Olympians By Flying A U.S. Flag Or U.S.A. Olympic Flag

Starting July 23, the largest sporting event in the world begins a year behind schedule and without any fans in attendance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Summer Olympic Games, in Tokyo, Japan, are returning with representatives from 205 different countries. Billions of dollars have already been lost due to the event being postponed and the need for extra protocols to limit the spread of the virus. Despite the games being far from normal this year, fans can continue to show support from their respected countries by watching it on television.

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